In my quiet time this morning, reading James 4:7-10
7 So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world. 9 Let there be tears for what you have done. Let there be sorrow and deep grief. Let there be sadness instead of laughter, and gloom instead of joy. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor.
My hearts prayer was to truly walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. My heart cried, Abba Father! All glory and praise to You for loving me through my tears and grief over my transgressions. Thank-you for Your joy that comes in the morning, Lord! Help me, Lord, to rely fully on Your power, to truly walk in Your Spirit always.
As I then went about my morning, I went looking online for the scripture prayer website that I frequent. I had in mind a specific prayer for loved ones that I wanted to share with a friend. That accomplished, the Lord lead me to another beautiful site and I found the prayer below. Praise God, you've just got to love those immediate answers!
The prayer is based on Zechariah 4:6-7.
Zerubbabel has struggled to build the temple amid all many and means of problems. An angel comes with encouragement and wisdom:
This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel:
“Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit”
says the Lord of Hosts.
Who are you great mountain?
Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain!
And he shall bring forth the capstone
With shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”
Basically, the message to Zerubbabel and to us is that some problems are beyond our ability to fix, no matter how powerful or talented we may be. Where our power fails, the task is completed by the Spirit of the Lord. He gets credit. We do not!
So here is the prayer in all its simplicity:
Lord, this day I take authority over the thief regarding (the situation)
(John 10:10)
And, I shout “Grace, grace!” to this mountain. (Zechariah 4:6-7)
How to pray it:
• Pray it each day, taking authority over the thief for this day.
• Any time during the day when the situation comes to mind, pray the prayer again.
• Pray this instead of fretting.
Part of the power of this prayer:
• Recognizing and confessing that the problem is too big for you, but manageable by God is a big step. You roll the burden of the problem onto the Burden Bearer, just as Jesus instructed. (Matt 11:30)
• As you repeat the prayer instead of allowing fear to grip you, your mind is renewed. You begin to think like God regarding the situation. This increases faith tremendously and when you have faith the size of a mustard seed, “you will say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matt 17:20)
HERE is the link to the website.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Time To Get My Blog On!

Well, hey there bloggy world! It's been a while, how have you been? I am happy to report that life here in Miltyville is good. Better than good, it is fabulous, praise God, and we are looking forward to summer vacation starting in just a few days. I will be officially hanging up my babysitter hat and maxin' & relaxin' with both LilMiltys and Princess Milty. You can read about our family name game HERE
This school year flew by! Did it for you too?
Monday, April 13, 2009
A Simple Woman's Daybook for Monday, April 13

Outside My Window... beautiful live oaks and palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze
I am thankful I am to be counted among God's people
I am thankful for...the opportunity to see dear old friends last week, it was a wonderful visit
From the kitchen...homemade ketchup that will be put right into the Heinz bottle, think the kids will notice?
I am peddle pusher sweatpants and a pink tee
I am creating...something, anything on my new sewing machine :-) I have to figure out how to use it first...
I am the amish farmers market this afternoon
I am reading...Nicholae from the Left Behind series and The Makers Diet
I am get my home blessing done and work on changing my daily lists and routines to better reflect the season we are in
I am daughter sing to herself
Around the house...the kids are really enjoying arts and crafts, especially since they can see everything we have to create with
One of my favorite things...hearing my children say "I love you" to each other, just melts my heart
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: to visit a local farm where we can get fresh milk, practice my sewing, re organize the master bdrm closet
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Brotherly love. This was a few years ago, it is one of my favorites, aren't they cute?
Want to see more Daybooks and maybe join in yourself? Visit A Simple Woman's Daybook
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Everyone in Miltyville Has a Name

If you missed the beginning of this story, you can read it HERE.
I got so many great suggestions! Thanks everyone for your input. Our middle guy got to choose which nickname he wanted and he chose.......drumroll, please.......
I know, I know, I thought he needed a different nickname of his very own, but the little guy wanted to be just like his beloved big brother. How sweet is that?
So, the tradition continues to the next generation. Two LilMilty brothers, just like their were two Milty brothers, kind of cool, huh?

The Milty Brothers with our 1st LilMilty
And the LilMilty Brothers
Kind of sounds like a rock band....hhhmmmm......
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Welcome to Miltyville

The time has come to officially introduce my little family. In keeping with the fun bloggy tradition, We will all use our official nicknames. Now, when I say official, I mean it. When I married my husband, Milty, I didn't realize the legacy I was marrying into.
You see, Milty is not our family name.
Most people are.
The nickname began with hubby's dad, who was "Uncle Milty" to all his college buds. Having a last name that sounds sort of close and sort of looking like Milton Burl, he really had no choice in the matter. But he wore it well and with honor and proudly handed the name down to his sons and daughter.
The next generation dropped the Uncle and went as simply "Milty". A very cool handle that both boys pulled off well, even when in the same room. Their beautiful sister was, you guessed it, MsMilty, and she still is!(beautiful and MsMilty that is)
But what happens when Milty marries and has children? Well, Milty becomes BigMilty and his wife becomes MamaMilty.
Now, some of you already know me as MamaMilty and in the interest of simplicity, I will be using my ultra cool nickname by marriage from here on out. So when you get a comment from MamaMilty, don't be confused, you know me, Hi, Its Me Jen!
And what about the kids, you ask?
Well, our oldest, the blonde on the left, has been LilMilty all his life and he likes it, he will carry on the family moniker with aplomb.
But what to call his younger brother and sister?
That is the question!
It doesn't seem right to name our middle guy who is so full of personality and actually taller than his big bro Lil'rMilty, now does it? MiddleMilty just isn't good on so many levels....
What should we name this little guy???
And last, but certainly not least, our little princess.....could she be anyone else besides PrincessMilty?
Running a close second would be DiapeeHeadMilty, but for longevity, we thought we ought to go with the other one, what do y'all think?
So that is our story.
Welcome to Miltyville, our little corner of the world where we know that with God, All Things are Possible.
A Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY March 23, 2009
Outside My Window... The sun is shining and the sky is a brilliant blue
I am thinking...Lord, let me have a gentle spirit as I live this day with my potty training 2y/o and into everything 20 m/o and rambunctious 4 & 5 y/o's and inquisitive 6 y/o
I am thankful for...Coffee! I stayed up way too late last night and the morning comes early no matter what
From the out the fridge and getting healthy fruit and veggie snacks ready for little hand to get all by themselves....gulp.
I am fav. yellow tee with a sparkly heart & flowers & butterflies over an orange tank with a khaki cotton skirt
I am inviting, orderly home that is a haven for my family
I am take the 2 middle boys to preschool for the morning
I am reading...Joshua
I am get the whole pile of clean dishes spilling our of 2, yep, 2!, dish racks put away today
I am hearing...the sound of children play elevator in the closet
Around the house...we are learning Ephesians 2:8 as our memory verse this week
One of my favorite things...the lovely aroma of chicken roasting in the oven...we will be enjoying that delicious treat for the senses later this afternoon
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: to re-organize my jars and glass containers, to make marinara sauce to freeze, to get outside and bike with the kids, and finish our family project of listing ways we can each show love and kindness to each other
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Just a few short years ago, I had 2 in cribs...oh, how the time flies by. They are 5 and 6 now.
Be sure and visit 5 Minutes for Mom to see more Wordless Wednesday.
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